udham singh

                                            THE UNREAL STORY OF UDHAM SINGH

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                                                          Who is Udham Singh
Udham Singh is commonly referred to as the person that avenged the Jallianwala Bagh bloodbath. He is referred to as the “affected person assassin” or the “lone assassin” who shot lifeless Michael O’Dwyer, the Lieutenant Governor of Punjab beneath neath whose management the notorious Amritsar bloodbath befell and who later even encouraged Brigadier-General Dyer, the wrongdoer of the killings.

                                          Incident That Changed Udham Singh Life

The turning point in Udham Singh's life came on the fateful April 13, 1919, the day of the Baisakhi festival (harvest festival). About 20,000 unarmed men, women, and children gathered in Amritsar's Jallianwala Bagh. Singh and his friends were in Jallianwala as the crowd celebrated the festival outdoors. As the all the crowd gathered to celebrate the festival, General Dyer and british army arrived at the place , sealed all the exits and on the orders of general dyer they started shooting everyone in the crowd. The crowd including children and senior citizens ran for thier life but they couldn't go anywhere as all exits were sealed down . Many people were killed in the terrible massacre, but according to official figures, there were 400 deaths. However, unofficial records claim the number is much higher.

                                        The Extraordinary Journey of Udham Singh

Singh was only 20 years old when he witnessed this brutality. entering and leaving India. The Fight Against the British The gruesome incident was a catalyst that turned him from an anonymous member of the oppressed masses of India to a man who would deal one of the most dramatic blows to the Empire. On four continents and more than 20 countries: Singh took on various names and professions. In 1927, Singh, who was heavily influenced by Bhagat Singh, was asked to return to India to help with the revolution in the country. Although Singh was released in 1931, he was under constant police surveillance due to his association with Bhagat Singh.

Udham Singh

Udham Singh was involved in revolutionary politics and was deeply influenced by Bhagat Singh and his revolutionary group. In 1924, Udham Singh became involved in the Ghadar party, organizing Indians abroad towards the overthrow of colonial rule. In 1927 he returned to India on the orders of Bhagat Singh, taking 25 associates as well as revolvers and ammunition.

Shortly after, he was arrested for possession of unauthorized weapons. Handguns, ammunition, and copies of a banned Ghadar party newspaper called "GhadriGunj" ("Voice of Revolt") were confiscated. He was sentenced to5 years in the prison. When he was released in 1931, Singh's movements were under constant surveillance by the Punjabi police. He headed for Kashmir, where he managed to escape the police and flee to Germany. In 1934, he reached London, where he found work as an engineer. Privately he formed plans to assassinate Michael O'Dwyer

                                                              The Final Act

In all these years he never forgot his ultimate goal - the execution of Dwyer. In March 1940 the time had finally come: he opened fire on Michael O'Dwyer in the Caxton Hall in London and killed him on the spot. Singh was hanged four months later. at Pentonville Prison and his remains were brought to India in 1974. 

In march 1940 the time has finally come to assassinated General dyer with no hesitation Udham singh open fired and killed general dyer in caxton hall in Capital of England London . after this incident udham singh was caught by british officials .

When Udham Singh was caught he said this to british officials

" I did it because He deserved it. He was the real culprit. He just wanted to crush the spirits of my people, so I crushed them. I tried to get revenge for a full 21 years. I'm glad I did the job. I am not afraid of death. I am dying for my country. I have seen my people starve in India under British rule. I protested against it, it was my duty. What greater honor can I have for the good of my country than death !! ".
Singh was sentenced to death for murder. On July 31, 1940, Singh was hanged by Albert Pierrepoint in Pentonville Prison. The remains are kept in Jallianwala Bagh in Amritsar, Punjab. Every July 31st, various organizations hold marches in Sunam and every Singh statue in the city is honored with garlands of flowers.


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